Think you’re pregnant? A possible unplanned pregnancy can be scary to navigate. Take a breath and find support along the way.

Here are some early pregnancy symptoms to help determine if you may be experiencing a possible pregnancy. Begin getting the answers you need with no-cost lab-quality pregnancy testing and limited obstetrical ultrasound at Nova Women’s Health today.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

The Mayo Clinic shares possible early pregnancy symptoms, including the following:

  1. Missed menstrual period: This is often one of the first symptoms of pregnancy because hCG tells your body to stop menstruating and instead enrich the lining of your uterus to nourish the pregnancy. If you’re still expecting your period, this could mean you’re pregnant.
  2. Sore, swollen breasts: The same hormone that’s responsible for creating an environment for your pregnancy also causes your breasts to swell in preparation for breastfeeding. If your bra is fitting tighter lately, it could indicate pregnancy.
  3. Nausea and/or vomiting: Inaccurately labeled “morning sickness,” the nausea and/or vomiting that happens in early pregnancy can occur at any time of the day.
  4. Increased urination: During pregnancy, your blood volume increases, which causes your kidneys to work harder. This leads to increased urination. If you find yourself running to the restroom more than usual, this could mean you’re pregnant. 
  5. Fatigue: Are you feeling more tired than usual without a reason? If you’re experiencing fatigue alongside other symptoms, this could signify pregnancy.
  6. Moodiness: Have your emotions been all over the place lately? Are you crying one minute and happy the next? If so, this could mean you’re pregnant, thanks to those early pregnancy hormones.
  7. Food aversions or cravings: If you’re craving foods you don’t normally eat, or if the thought of foods you usually love sounds gross, you could be pregnant.

While these symptoms may indicate early pregnancy, they can also be signs of other conditions. A pregnancy test is your first step to gaining the clarity you need to know if you’re pregnant.

Do You Have Irregular Periods?

Is missing a period normal for you? If you’ve recently started or paused using hormonal birth control, this could also be a factor, as it can take time for your body to adjust to changes in hormone levels. It is considered late if you’re seven days past your regular period date. After six weeks, you can consider your late period a missed period.

No-Cost Pregnancy Services

Start getting answers with our no-cost pregnancy services at Nova Women’s Health. First, schedule a no-cost pregnancy testing appointment to begin. You are not alone!

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