Are you considering adoption as an option for your unplanned pregnancy? Adoption is the legal process where the biological parents of a child make a plan to have adoptive parents raise their child. It is not co-parenting.

Each woman’s adoption journey is different based on multiple factors, like choosing a family, the type of adoption, and how long the final placement takes. We want to help you learn more about the steps involved in the adoption process. 

The Types of Adoption Plans to Choose From

There are three adoption plans to choose from: open, closed, and semi-open. Here are more details on how they vary:

  • Open Adoption: This plan allows an expectant mother to select the family she wants to raise her child before her child is born. She can develop a relationship with the adoptive family by exchanging identifying information like full names, addresses, and phone numbers. 
  • Closed Adoption: Sometimes privacy is best for all parties and the child. With a closed adoption, the adoption agency would choose a family based on the expectant or birth mother’s preferences. No identifying information is shared, and the birth mother has no further contact with the child. 
  • Semi-Open Adoption: This type of adoption lets the expectant mother have contact with the adoptive family and their child through email or letters sent through an adoption agency. It’s more private than an open adoption because you don’t share any identifying information. 

Deciding on a Family

If you’re working with an adoption agency, they will help you choose an adoptive family. There are many families to choose from. Some things to consider include:

  • Do you want the child to have siblings or be the oldest child?
  • Do you want the child to live in the country or city?
  • Do you want the child to have pets? 
  • Do you want the child to grow up with certain hobbies or religious beliefs?

Learn More About Adoption

You may have many more adoption questions right now. We would love to help you learn more about this pregnancy option.

Once you’ve confirmed your pregnancy details with us, contact us to schedule a no-cost options consultation. One of our supportive client advocates is here to help.

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